Businesses Served
Customers Engaged
Cost Savings
We build cost savings sytems that scale
Predictably grow your business, revenue and profit margin in just three easy steps:
Make Your Offer "Cold-Friendly"
We’ll audit and help you turn your offer into an irresistible “cold-friendly” offer that attracts & converts strangers into long-term clients.
Many of our clients have an offer that is not strong enough for the larger market. The best marketing and sales tactics won’t make up for an “okay” offer.
What Results You Can Expect
We have already helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs scale their businesses to run rates of 6, 7, and 8 figures.
Acquire More Customers Predictably & Consistently
We’ll help you build a fully automated client-acquisition system that “sucks in” complete strangers and turns them into hot prospects eager to buy your products and services - without you lifting a finger.
Free Up
Your Personal Time
We’ll help you build a fully automated client-acquisition system that “sucks in” complete strangers and turns them into hot prospects eager to buy your products and services - without you lifting a finger.
Increase Your
Top-Line Revenue
We’ll help you build a fully automated client-acquisition system that “sucks in” complete strangers and turns them into hot prospects eager to buy your products and services - without you lifting a finger.
Positively Impact
More People
We’ll help you build a fully automated client-acquisition system that “sucks in” complete strangers and turns them into hot prospects eager to buy your products and services - without you lifting a finger.
Increase Your
Profit Margins
We’ll help you build a fully automated client-acquisition system that “sucks in” complete strangers and turns them into hot prospects eager to buy your products and services - without you lifting a finger.
Bring Your Visions & Ideas To Market Much Faster
We’ll help you build a fully automated client-acquisition system that “sucks in” complete strangers and turns them into hot prospects eager to buy your products and services - without you lifting a finger.
What ProblemsWe Help You Solve
We have already helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs scale their businesses to run rates of 6, 7, and 8 figures.
Inconsistent Client Acquisition
You are making money, and good money, but month-over-month your growth is a guessing game. You haven't nailed down one specific traffic source which you can "turn up" whenever you want to make more profit.
Inconsistent Client Acquisition
You are making money, and good money, but month-over-month your growth is a guessing game. You haven't nailed down one specific traffic source which you can "turn up" whenever you want to make more profit.
Inconsistent Client Acquisition
You are making money, and good money, but month-over-month your growth is a guessing game. You haven't nailed down one specific traffic source which you can "turn up" whenever you want to make more profit.
Inconsistent Client Acquisition
You are making money, and good money, but month-over-month your growth is a guessing game. You haven't nailed down one specific traffic source which you can "turn up" whenever you want to make more profit.
Inconsistent Client Acquisition
You are making money, and good money, but month-over-month your growth is a guessing game. You haven't nailed down one specific traffic source which you can "turn up" whenever you want to make more profit.
Inconsistent Client Acquisition
You are making money, and good money, but month-over-month your growth is a guessing game. You haven't nailed down one specific traffic source which you can "turn up" whenever you want to make more profit.
Why Now?
We developed this calculator to help you quickly calculate your impact for 2023 vs. waiting for your payments to roll in.
Select your State and County and drop in your CPTs and encounter volume and BOOM see instant results.
Also, drop in your profit margin for 2022 and cost increases expected for 2023 to estimate your 2023 bottom line.
calculate your bottom line, ignorance is not bliss
This calculator is for your Part B payments (Physician Fees) but we will be adding Part A payments (Facility Fees) shortly. If you need a more robust estimate set up time with us to discuss.
By creating a tailored estimate for your group you can understand where you stand for 2023 and begin reverting any negative trends.
CFOs make sure your financial plan is on target.
COOs make sure you have a clear roadmap to hit your operational targets.
Physicians understand the impact to your compensation for the year.
There are four Revenue Drivers and you should have a dedicated owner by each one to drive improvement for your group.
Get Control Over Your Costs
The best provider groups also control for costs via the “Cost of Care” KPI by department. If you do not control your costs well, you will have to close your doors eventually. We call this the “Hard Truth about Provider Economics”. It is imperative that you have robust cost control.
Click on the “learn more” button on the calculator and we will review these items in more depth.